Sunday, October 13, 2019

Citizen Action and Policy Process: The Case of Disney’s America and Pri

Citizen Action and Policy Process: The Case of Disney’s America and Prince William County, Virginia Introduction Regardless of point-of-view, the events surrounding Disney’s America theme-park provide compelling lessons to policy makers, business interests and citizen activist groups. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Disney’s America controversy through the lens of public policy process. I first analyze the core issues of the case. Second, I identify predominant actors and stakeholders. Third, I point out policy instruments and processes germane to the case. Finally, I discuss the outcome and lessons to be gleaned from the case. Issues Haymarket, a community with a population of 375, is located approximately 30 miles southwest of Washington D.C., in Prince William County, Virginia. It is situated in an area characterized by farmland in view of the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west. Nearby is a Civil War battlefield site, now a National Battlefield Park administered by the National Park Service, where 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers died during two battles fought at Bull Run: the first land battle of the Civil War in 1861, and in 1862, when Robert E. Lee defeated Union forces as he led the Confederate toward the Potomac River. In the early 1990s, Chairman Michael Eisner of Disney, envisioned an American history theme-park to be called Disney’s America. Colonial Williamsburg in southeastern Virginia initially provided inspiration for Disney executives. Prior to 1993, Disney officials surreptitiously acquired land-options in Prince William county using false names in order to avoid increases in land prices in anticipation of the project. The theme-park, estimated to cost $650 million, would be con... ...on’t sugarcoat history." Washington Post, The 12 Nov. 1993: A-1 Spayd, Liz, and Paul Farhi. "Eisner ended Disney plan; chairman saw park fight harming company’s image." Washington Post, The 30 Sept. 1994: A-1 Tolme, Paul. "Five years after Disney fight, sprawl still creeps toward Civil War sites." Associated Press State and Local Wire 29 Sept. 1999 Virginian-Pilot, The (Norfolk) "Virginia not the place for Disney’s America." Virginian-Pilot, The (Norfolk) 26 Feb. 1994: A-13 Virginian-Pilot, The (Norfolk). "Disney’s second site: retreat from Manassas." Virginian-Pilot, The (Norfolk) 30 Sept. 1994: A-18 Washington Post, The. "Disney foes take protest to airwaves." Roanoke Times and World News 15 April 1994: B-1 Washington Post, The. "Feds warn against plan to widen battlefield roads for Disney park." Virginian-Pilot, The (Norfolk) 10 Sept. 1994: B-7

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