Tuesday, August 25, 2020

America Needs Preschool for All Children Essay -- Argumentative Persua

America Needs Preschool for All Children As you stroll into the room, a diminutive child approaches your legs and presses your knees. Screeches of pleasure skip off the dividers as children boogie to Disney tunes, and another gathering is carefully drawing pictures of rainbow hued snowmen. The swoon smell of newly prepared chocolate chip treats drifts through the room. Wherever you look, there are grins. Sounds extraordinary? Going to preschool resembles going through a field of dreams. Lamentably, few out of every odd youngster gets the chance to encounter preschool. For low-salary families, especially single parents, preschool is a colossal money related weight. In spite of what guardians need for their kids, it isn’t consistently a down to earth choice; now and again, the expense of selecting their kids exceeds the cash earned at an occupation (Mason 46). Before long, moms are sending their children to preschool so they can work to bring in cash to pay for preschool. Moreover, without instruction, guardians are kept to the lowest pay permitted by law employments with no desire for headway (49). Where’s the motivator to work? Robin Mason depicts one single mother’s inspiration. For her, business is something beyond cash; rather, it’s additionally a way to help her confidence, increase budgetary freedom, and set a positive model for her youngsters. She underscores her obligation to her youngsters to keep a rooftop over their head, be a decent mother, and pick a quality childcare (47). The estimation of preschool is regularly ignored as guardians think about it for its utilitarian purposes. Albeit most preschools do work as a childcare, the benefits picked up from early training follow youngsters all through their whole lives. Youngsters at this ready age are anxious to learn, amped up for the humming scene aroun... ...cial and intellectual abilities endure under the strain (195). In any case, there is trust: a cherishing, steady condition that urges youngsters to develop into themselves. Preschool. Government programs are set up to help low-pay families counterbalance the expenses, and national organizations offer multidimensional help for preschoolers and their families. Seven hours in a homeroom doesn’t fix the issues at home. Or maybe, these projects are intended to help low-pay families through a multi-faceted methodology, assaulting a few issues in one compelling blow (Olson, Ceballo, and Park 427). These projects offer an assortment of assets, including child rearing classes, stress the board courses, family directing, and sustenance training. Through these projects, the whole network is accepting accountability for dealing with its kids. All things considered, it takes a town to bring up a kid. America Needs Preschool for All Children Essay - Argumentative Persua America Needs Preschool for All Children As you stroll into the room, a small child approaches your legs and crushes your knees. Screeches of pleasure ricochet off the dividers as children boogie to Disney tunes, and another gathering is fastidiously drawing pictures of rainbow shaded snowmen. The black out smell of newly prepared chocolate chip treats drifts through the room. Wherever you look, there are grins. Sounds extraordinary? Going to preschool resembles going through a field of dreams. Lamentably, few out of every odd youngster gets the chance to encounter preschool. For low-salary families, especially single parents, preschool is a gigantic monetary weight. In spite of what guardians need for their kids, it isn’t consistently a commonsense choice; now and again, the expense of enlisting their youngsters exceeds the cash earned at an occupation (Mason 46). Before long, moms are sending their children to preschool so they can work to bring in cash to pay for preschool. Besides, without instruction, guardians are limited to the lowest pay permitted by law employments with no expectation of headway (49). Where’s the motivating force to work? Robin Mason depicts one single mother’s inspiration. For her, work is something other than cash; rather, it’s additionally a way to help her confidence, increase budgetary freedom, and set a positive model for her kids. She stresses her duty to her youngsters to keep a rooftop over their head, be a decent mother, and pick a quality childcare (47). The estimation of preschool is frequently disregarded as guardians think about it for its utilitarian purposes. Albeit most preschools do work as a childcare, the benefits picked up from early training follow kids all through their whole lives. Kids at this ready age are anxious to learn, amped up for the humming scene aroun... ...cial and psychological abilities endure under the strain (195). Be that as it may, there is trust: a cherishing, steady condition that urges youngsters to develop into themselves. Preschool. Government programs are set up to help low-pay families counterbalance the expenses, and national offices offer multidimensional help for preschoolers and their families. Seven hours in a study hall doesn’t fix the issues at home. Or maybe, these projects are intended to help low-salary families through a multi-faceted methodology, assaulting a few issues in one forceful blow (Olson, Ceballo, and Park 427). These projects offer an assortment of assets, including child rearing classes, stress the executives courses, family directing, and nourishment training. Through these projects, the whole network is accepting accountability for dealing with its kids. All things considered, it takes a town to bring up a kid.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Robin Hood free essay sample

An individual who concocts the specific plan to maintain the business or one who put forth attempts to pick up the benefit to the organization is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). Here, Robin Hood assumes a job of a CEO. President isn't the main individual who runs the association at the same time, there are individuals get employed who supports to accomplish the objectives and goals or vision and crucial the association. In this situation Robin Hood had four primary people who were supporting him by dealing with different offices, for example, Finance, HR, Purchasing and the insight and they’re a great deal of representative who underpins him in his business yet he was missing to oversee them. With the assistance from the accompanying outline bifurcation of the individuals are as per the following: Robin Hood (CEO) VISION AND MISSION An individual effectively accomplish something in a similar way an association that maintains the business for a particular objective for which they investing their amounts of energy to accomplish something which is known as Vision and to accomplish the vision toward the finish of the particular time frame or one who accomplish the objective or target toward the finish of the visionary time frame is known as Mission. For any association Vision assumes a most significant job and mission works at the same time. Vision of the association changes after a specific period relies on the circumstance of the market or of the association. Vision can be clarified and characterized from multiple points of view. Be that as it may, as indicated by Benson Peter and Lansdell Sally vision is to accomplish the specific focused on objective and goal in explicit years to contend with the market. It is significant that for each individual who is in the association including the top administration of the organization should chip away at the equivalent and explicit vision not for his/her own advantage. Crucial likewise characterize and clarified from multiple points of view. In any case, According o Catlin-legutko, and Cinnamon strategic only the last objective or goal accomplished by the association so that in the wake of accomplishing it everybody ought to be profited, for example, investors, speculators, representatives of the association, and so on. ROBIN HOOD’S VISION AND MISSION As Robin realized that he needs to begin thinking about the endurance in the business so he began to change in his own conduct and procedure. His vision and mission was to come over the vendors or the opponents whom so ever interferes with in his business so he can even now get by in the market and for his seat. He was beginning dealing with his workers and attempts to make the individuals to go along with him and bolster him for his association. For which he acquaint the strategies with take from the rich and give it poor. In any case, by doing this he would land up with substantially more foes. Individuals will quit confiding in him and notoriety in the market and even according to the individuals would be as a cheat, that was less simple at the same time, he put forth his attempts by utilizing progressively various abilities and procedures. Robin presents the strategy for cargo sending in which he went about as a center man, with the goal that his notoriety in the market stays predictable. He additionally turned into the broker buying the merchandise from them and selling at more significant expense by the method of assessment. He additionally thought of executing the contender yet that was not all that simple for him to do it. It is human conduct that when they begin losing their vision and strategic be steady, they thing and use various procedures. In short brain glimmers with various thoughts doesn't stay steady, something very similar occurred with the Robin Hood he thought of various plans to endure or to exist in the market. For any association to accomplish the vision or strategic CEO must realize the economic situation and about the contenders inside and remotely so an organization should know where it stands and coordinates with the economic situation or probably they need to turn out to be inside to accomplish their particular objective. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH WEAKNESS OF THE ROBIN HOOD Organization The principle quality of the Robin that he had enormous vision. For which even he had a great deal of labor and can select or present and even pull in individuals as a result of his image picture and can utilize then more into his business. More labor there will be proficient and persuaded deals power. Taking a gander at the labor and the economic situation of the business he can without much of a stretch panic the contenders. As he had numerous labor yet he couldn't oversee use them appropriately. He was missing to give them the fundamental needs, for example, food. Indeed, even he was confronting the opposition dread from the vendors. OPPORTUNITY THREAT OF THE ROBIN HOOD Organization Robin primary quality was his labor. With that he can extend his current business or go into new business in better places and division. Chance to begin conveying the representative their needs and make a conveying picture with the goal that they shouldn’t leave him. As each coin has different sides, his labor was his greatest danger, danger of losing them. Contenders or the opponents can take the advantage of the market since they have different assets which Robin doesn't have. Key OBJECTIVES According to Bromiley Philip vital target implies that concentrating on the bigger customer in the market or encouraging them by giving best of value item absent substantially more spending on the item. An organization ought to extemporize on their item plan, profitability or on the creation procedure and the improvement in the worker with the goal that they can accomplish their objective. As in the setting with the Robin Hood association, he is confronting part of difficulty in the business in light of the fact that there were many pot openings which need to fixed by proficient long haul key arranging which could help him in any event to conceal with his need which are essential and this will assist him with building a relationship with his representatives. With this positive conduct he will likewise get the help from the representatives and he will complete his work too. On the off chance that he needs to be fruitful and need to make his business gainful he needs to rely on the worker. I would propose following vital destinations to Mr. Robin Hood they are as per the following: As he is the ruler situates on the seat he should have parcel of land, utilize that land for development of your own food grains, own animals for cultivating, natural products, vegetables, therapeutic plants, building representative houses, and so forth encourage them with all the fixings so they you get reliant on one another. On the off chance that the harvest develops more than the desire in the wake of providing for your whole worker so you can send out and acquire more cash. This will increment in your benefit, advertise rate, your altruism you will increment by each side of bit. Their will even increment in the economy rate. It will require some investment for the above things at any rate you can begin escort administrations to the representative till where they can locate their essential needs. Increment your business by buying the place that is known for the other zone using to your own extension of business. You can likewise extend by giving cargo sending administrations to the organization. Giving your labor on causality premise to the next firm which will assist you with building up a business relationship. You can execute new strategy in bows and arrows and preparing ought to be given. This will assist Robin With hooding in the development of his business as well as fabricate a decent solid relationship with in the association and support balance in the market. MICHAEL PORTER’S GENERIC STRATEGY MODELS Generic systems implies that an organization embraces create and execute another business methodology to contend in the market with the contender. Watchman prescribes this methodology to the bases of the nonexclusive system which will be the bit of leeway for serious increases. There are three kinds of conventional key as indicated by the Porter: Each type is clarified in detail as underneath: Low Cost According to the Porter Model Company execute the technique of diminishing the cost of the ware with the goal that purchaser can purchase their item at a less expensive rate contrast with the others organization product. Purchaser feels that equivalent item is been sold at the less expensive rate in contrast with other yet, they doesn't have the foggiest idea about this is all business system. Organization diminishes the nature of the item so their assembling cost get lessen and can sell a similar item at a less expensive rate to contend in the market with the another organization. They utilize this strategies to turn into the pioneer in the market of cap certain item selling at the least expensive rate by diminishing the nature of the item. Separation Porter clarifies in this technique that an organization delivers the item with the new thought, idea, highlights and appealing structure which never presents in the market. The activity of the advertising director is harder in this in light of the fact that the chief needs to do a great deal of appropriate itemized look into as far as quality, amount and the value which they have to work together in the bigger market. Essentially an organization as to present a dynamic or a special item which has been never at any point actualized in the market. What's more, ought to be actualized so that they ought to fulfill the customer needs and spread the whole enormous market. Center Porter depicts an extraordinary significance of the customer to the firm. Wherein a firm focus and make fascination on a gathering or on a specific zone individuals with their best of the nature of merchandise they have created. Nature of the item assumes a significant job in this unique circumstance. To put it plainly, they grap the consideration of the purchaser by redirecting them from the contender item by giving them an extraordinary consideration and significance of them in the organization. Explicit GENERIC STRATEGY GIVEN TO THE ROBIN HOOD It is a lot of significant for any association to fulfill, encourage and give best of merchandise administrations to them, so that can rival the other association in the market. It takes part of endeavors by the individuals to utilize best of their aptitudes and methods to accompany a powerful item which can supplant the contender items however not the need of the customers. On account of Robin Hood the fitting strateg

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Product-driven vs. Customer-driven Businesses

Product-driven vs. Customer-driven Businesses DRAWING THE LINEBut why is there really a need to clearly distinguish one from the other? Why does it matter when the purpose of the business is to become profitable?We must keep in mind that profit or the “bottomline” is only one of the many vital aspects of running a business. Aside from the question on whether the business would make money or provide a return on your investment, there are other questions that will come into play in the course of its operations. And that is when knowing how to identify a product-driven business and a customer-driven one comes in handy.Even before starting a business, one of the first questions that an entrepreneur would have to wrestle with is the type or kind of business that he or she will set up. Once the entrepreneur decided on one, he will have a clearer picture on the direction that the business will take. But even the kind of business is not going to be permanent, since there are instances when the business may decide to make changes in its operations and structure, and there may be a need to go back and redefine the identity of the business. Thus, being a good manager entails being able to tell the difference between a product-driven and a customer-driven business.THE PRODUCT-DRIVEN BUSINESSA product-driven environment involves the business developing a product first, then searching for a market for it. Basically, it operates under the assumption that with great products come great customers which, in turn, bring in the profit and revenue.In a product-driven setting, the usual picture that comes to mind is a room enclosed with four walls, with a team of talented individuals within it, and a single figurehead or figure of authority to keep everything together. They will be brainstorming, throwing brilliant ideas on the table, and develop a product, without taking into account the current state of the market or, more specifically, the needs and preferences of the customers or users.All the functions of the company a re focused on the product â€" its design, features, capabilities, and its subsequent design and manufacture. All the other departments act as support for the product, and that includes the finance, human resources, and even IT sections. The marketing and sales team will be responsible for taking the product and introducing it to the market.In this setting, products are managed as though they are independent business segments or even standalone businesses. Persons will be assigned specifically to the product, and the product manager is at the helm, taking on the role of the CEO of that product. All their efforts and resources will be poured into that product.Take, for example, Apple. In this product-driven organization, the ones who make the major decisions are the executives and designers. In Amazon, it is the product managers that decide what to put out to the market. The engineers of Facebook are the ones who call the shots on what feature to introduce. The same is true within Goo gle: it is the engineers who make the big decisions. Saying that they are the ones who make the decisions might be overstating it a bit but, at the end of the day, they are the main drivers of the roadmap that the business is on.Some Techniques and Strategies Employed by Product-driven BusinessesA product-focused business tends to focus on the product it is offering instead of the customer. Some of the strategies that these businesses employ include:Use mass marketing. Since a product-driven business assumes that there is already a large number of customers that are looking for products, although they are not fully aware what those products are, mass marketing is the most efficient strategy to apply. The purpose of this is to inform as many number of potential customers as possible that the business offers these products.Create unique products. You must create products that are unique and distinctive. It should turn out that you are the only business that makes or sells the product. Customers must not have other sources of the product other than your company.Focus on your positioning. If you cannot create a unique product, you should position it so that it comes out to be the most favorable or the best one among its competitors. The marketing team would have to be more creative when it comes to positioning your product. One good example is how Coca-Cola positioned itself as the best soft drink, even if there are other soft drink companies operating at the time.Apple: A Product-Driven BusinessThe most classic and often touted example of a product-driven business is Apple. Steve Jobs and his team have successfully created products that the market did not even know initially that it needed or wanted. They operated on the “build it and they will come” strategy, creating the iPod even before the market knew that it is something that it must have. They created the product without necessarily identifying the market or customer; they just knew that there is going to be a market for the product once it is out.First, Apple developed a team to create the iTouch. Another team was separately working on building the iPhone. The iTouch team focused solely on developing it, and the iPhone team did the same. Granted, the products have similarities. However, this did not become a constraint as they focused on the product instead of being competitive. As a result, Apple was able to build these products in a shorter time than expected, and they actually complemented each other.Apple was able to come up with distinctive products so that, at the time of their release or launch, they are the only ones selling the devices.Amazon: A Product-Driven BusinessAmazon is also another prime example of a business that has successfully adapted the product-driven approach. This was described by Amazon CTO Werner Vogels as “working backwards”, a process where they write the Press Release and the Frequently Asked Questions document which are both needed at the produ ct launch. These include mockups, and detailed narratives and descriptions, all of which attempt to provide a precise and detailed explanation on the customer experience. What will the customer do with the product? What features will the product be able to provide for the customers? This often entails writing a User Manual, and that is what Amazon does. This will give everyone at Amazon a clearer vision and direction on what product they are going to build for the customers.THE CUSTOMER-DRIVEN BUSINESSWhen a business goes out and gets information on its customers, and subsequently develops a product based on the information gathered, then it falls under the customer-driven category. In short, the focus is on the customer. How do you make the customer happy? What can your business do to address their needs? How can you meet and exceed their expectations?This type of business, which is also often referred to as a market-driven business, operates under the assumption that it can only s urvive if the customers are satisfied. Thus, you have to make every effort of delivering high quality products and services, coupled with excellent customer service and support.Product development in this setting is largely based on what the customers want. Market research is conducted, focusing on the needs and preferences of customers. Based on the information obtained, the product development team will then come up with a design that addresses those needs. Once the product is launched, it will be something that is created primarily to satisfy those needs.In terms of marketing, a product-driven business is not greatly invested in marketing the product. After all, the product has been designed and created with the customer in mind, so it goes without saying that there is already a market (and customers) for it.Some Techniques and Strategies Employed by Customer-driven BusinessesIt goes without saying that the business should have a quality product, which means that it should have f eatures and functionalities that the market is looking for. On top of product quality, the business also has to employ some techniques to ensure that the business earns. It also relies heavily on customer and business intelligence, which entails performing activities such as data mining and database marketing and maintenance.Put emphasis on speed. In this day and age, things seem to be moving at a faster pace than usual. Competition is fierce and, often, whoever is faster gets the customer (and the sales) first. Customers want products and services to be faster, saving them time. This is a huge part of the reason why many businesses are now taking the operations online, since transactions can take place in real time, cutting through the usual waiting times associated with the traditional way of doing business. This also applies to how fast you respond to customers when they present their inquiries and requests. Answers must be made promptly and, yes, responding is a must, even if yo u have to deliver a negative reply. Customers will appreciate being given an unfavorable answer than being met with cold, hard silence. Make sure the response time is reasonable and tolerable. Make it snappy, because a customer that is kept waiting is not a happy one.Prioritize flexibility and convenience. Just like speed, convenience is also something that customers look for in the products that they buy. Some businesses do this by offering various sizes of their products, even making them small enough as to be portable. Establishing an online presence is seen by many businesses as a way to make things more convenient for their customers (on top of speeding up the whole process). Another simple example is how fast foods and restaurants now accept payments made using credit cards and debit cards. Adding priority lanes for elder customers is also another strategy aimed at improving convenience.Maximize customer contact. Since the business operations are essentially driven by the cust omers and their needs, preferences and expectations, it is important to keep in contact with them. Having a dedicated customer service and support arm of the business is essential since it will act as the link between the business and the customers. Even seemingly trivial techniques such as floating customer survey forms and sending service emails, or obtaining customer feedback through Twitter, blogs and other social media platforms are very useful. Face-to-face interactions are appreciated by most customers more than impersonal phone calls or online conversations. In any case, courtesy should always be exercised, no matter what platform is used for communicating with customers. Keep in mind that customers will not hesitate to bring their business (and money) elsewhere if they find the customer service to be rude or lacking in any way.Include value-added benefits for customers. Customers look for more than freebies and tangible perks in the products that they buy. Intangible value even goes farther than their tangible counterparts, so businesses should always make it a point to pack their business with as much intangible value as possible. Your goal should always be to exceed the expectations of the customers, not just meet them.Practice consistency in service standards. There should be standards in place on how customers are served or handled. It will do the business no favors if a certain group of customers is given better treatment than others. Be consistent in your application of your customer service.Samsung: A Customer-Driven BusinessOne of the more well-known customer-driven brands is Samsung, establishing itself as a business that puts a lot of its efforts and resources in understanding the customers and the market, and designing and marketing effectively to fit that customer or market.The first step it takes before developing a product or making important business decisions is to find out what the customer wants. From there, they will do what they co uld to fulfill those needs and requirements. Samsung is always seen to heavily invest in customer care and after-sales services and efforts.Samsung may not have revolutionized the smartphone, as Apple did when it created iPhone. However, what Samsung did was listen to the clamor of users who are looking for more affordable alternatives to the iPhone. Then it proceeded to launch a string of smartphones with features that can easily rival those of iPhone, and offered it at more affordable prices.A Comparison: Pixar vs DreamworksPixar Animation Studios, or Pixar, is one of the most recognizable names in the world when it comes to animated films. It is, at heart, a product-driven organization. It was known for setting up the Pixar Braintrust, which is essentially a think tank where all the directors, writers and storyboard artists of the studio regularly gather together to look at each others projects and conduct peer review or critiquing. Through these reviews, they can move forward wi th film projects to produce, create, and eventually release.Dreamworks is also one of the biggest film production companies in the world, producing films, television programs and video games. In their setup, the driver’s seat is not left for the executives and directors alone. Ideas are solicited from employees and staff members, as well as simple moviegoers and film enthusiasts, and they are pitched to the powers-that-be, whose decisions will be influenced by the results of the gathering of ideas and pitches.SUMMARY Many take for granted the significance of having a product-driven business as opposed to a customer-driven business. This is mostly down to their reasoning that the business is operating for the same purpose: growth and profitability. So it does not really matter whether it is product-driven or customer-driven, is it?Business experts would disagree, since there is actually a distinction between the two concepts, and that difference could also spell a significant difference on how managers should run their business, directly affecting their decisions. In this article, we will start with 1) drawing the line between product and customer driven businesses, and explore then 2) the product-driven business, 3) the customer-driven business, and 4) a summary.DRAWING THE LINEBut why is there really a need to clearly distinguish one from the other? Why does it matter when the purpose of the business is to become profitable?We must keep in mind that profit or the “bottomline” is only one of the many vital aspects of running a business. Aside from the question on whether the business would make money or provide a return on your investment, there are other questions that will come into play in the course of its operations. And that is when knowing how to identify a product-driven business and a customer-driven one comes in handy.Even before starting a business, one of the first questions that an entrepreneur would have to wrestle with is the type or kind of business that he or she will set up. Once the entrepreneur decided on one, he will have a clearer picture on the direction that the business will take. But even the kind of business is not going to be permanent, since there are instances when the business may decide to make changes in its operations and structure, and there may be a need to go back and redefine the identity of the business. Thus, being a good manager entails being able to tell the difference between a product-driven and a customer-driven business.THE PRODUCT-DRIVEN BUSINESSA product-driven environment involves the business developing a product first, then searching for a market for it. Basically, it operates under the assumption that with great products come great customers which, in turn, bring in the profit and revenue.In a product-driven setting, the usual picture that comes to mind is a room enclosed with four walls, with a team of talented individuals within it, and a single figurehead or figure of authority to keep everything together. They will be brainstorming, throwing brilliant ideas on the table, and develop a product, without taking into account the current state of the market or, more specifically, the needs and preferences of the customers or users.All the functions of the company are focused on the product â€" its design, features, capabilities, and its subsequent design and manufacture. All the other departments act as support for the product, and that includes the finance, human resources, and even IT sections. The marketing and sales team will be responsible for taking the product and introducing it to the market.In this setting, products are managed as though they are independent business segments or even standalone businesses. Persons will be assigned specifically to the product, and the product manager is at the helm, taking on the role of the CEO of that product. All their efforts and resources will be poured into that product.Take, for example, Apple. In this product-driven organization, the ones who make the major decisions are the executives and desi gners. In Amazon, it is the product managers that decide what to put out to the market. The engineers of Facebook are the ones who call the shots on what feature to introduce. The same is true within Google: it is the engineers who make the big decisions. Saying that they are the ones who make the decisions might be overstating it a bit but, at the end of the day, they are the main drivers of the roadmap that the business is on.Some Techniques and Strategies Employed by Product-driven BusinessesA product-focused business tends to focus on the product it is offering instead of the customer. Some of the strategies that these businesses employ include:Use mass marketing. Since a product-driven business assumes that there is already a large number of customers that are looking for products, although they are not fully aware what those products are, mass marketing is the most efficient strategy to apply. The purpose of this is to inform as many number of potential customers as possible t hat the business offers these products.Create unique products. You must create products that are unique and distinctive. It should turn out that you are the only business that makes or sells the product. Customers must not have other sources of the product other than your company.Focus on your positioning. If you cannot create a unique product, you should position it so that it comes out to be the most favorable or the best one among its competitors. The marketing team would have to be more creative when it comes to positioning your product. One good example is how Coca-Cola positioned itself as the best soft drink, even if there are other soft drink companies operating at the time.Apple: A Product-Driven BusinessThe most classic and often touted example of a product-driven business is Apple. Steve Jobs and his team have successfully created products that the market did not even know initially that it needed or wanted. They operated on the “build it and they will come” strategy, creating the iPod even before the market knew that it is something that it must have. They created the product without necessarily identifying the market or customer; they just knew that there is going to be a market for the product once it is out.First, Apple developed a team to create the iTouch. Another team was separately working on building the iPhone. The iTouch team focused solely on developing it, and the iPhone team did the same. Granted, the products have similarities. However, this did not become a constraint as they focused on the product instead of being competitive. As a result, Apple was able to build these products in a shorter time than expected, and they actually complemented each other.Apple was able to come up with distinctive products so that, at the time of their release or launch, they are the only ones selling the devices.Amazon: A Product-Driven BusinessAmazon is also another prime example of a business that has successfully adapted the product-driven appro ach. This was described by Amazon CTO Werner Vogels as “working backwards”, a process where they write the Press Release and the Frequently Asked Questions document which are both needed at the product launch. These include mockups, and detailed narratives and descriptions, all of which attempt to provide a precise and detailed explanation on the customer experience. What will the customer do with the product? What features will the product be able to provide for the customers? This often entails writing a User Manual, and that is what Amazon does. This will give everyone at Amazon a clearer vision and direction on what product they are going to build for the customers.THE CUSTOMER-DRIVEN BUSINESSWhen a business goes out and gets information on its customers, and subsequently develops a product based on the information gathered, then it falls under the customer-driven category. In short, the focus is on the customer. How do you make the customer happy? What can your business do to address their needs? How can you meet and exceed their expectations?This type of business, which is also often referred to as a market-driven business, operates under the assumption that it can only survive if the customers are satisfied. Thus, you have to make every effort of delivering high quality products and services, coupled with excellent customer service and support.Product development in this setting is largely based on what the customers want. Market research is conducted, focusing on the needs and preferences of customers. Based on the information obtained, the product development team will then come up with a design that addresses those needs. Once the product is launched, it will be something that is created primarily to satisfy those needs.In terms of marketing, a product-driven business is not greatly invested in marketing the product. After all, the product has been designed and created with the customer in mind, so it goes without saying that there is already a m arket (and customers) for it.Some Techniques and Strategies Employed by Customer-driven BusinessesIt goes without saying that the business should have a quality product, which means that it should have features and functionalities that the market is looking for. On top of product quality, the business also has to employ some techniques to ensure that the business earns. It also relies heavily on customer and business intelligence, which entails performing activities such as data mining and database marketing and maintenance.Put emphasis on speed. In this day and age, things seem to be moving at a faster pace than usual. Competition is fierce and, often, whoever is faster gets the customer (and the sales) first. Customers want products and services to be faster, saving them time. This is a huge part of the reason why many businesses are now taking the operations online, since transactions can take place in real time, cutting through the usual waiting times associated with the traditi onal way of doing business. This also applies to how fast you respond to customers when they present their inquiries and requests. Answers must be made promptly and, yes, responding is a must, even if you have to deliver a negative reply. Customers will appreciate being given an unfavorable answer than being met with cold, hard silence. Make sure the response time is reasonable and tolerable. Make it snappy, because a customer that is kept waiting is not a happy one.Prioritize flexibility and convenience. Just like speed, convenience is also something that customers look for in the products that they buy. Some businesses do this by offering various sizes of their products, even making them small enough as to be portable. Establishing an online presence is seen by many businesses as a way to make things more convenient for their customers (on top of speeding up the whole process). Another simple example is how fast foods and restaurants now accept payments made using credit cards and debit cards. Adding priority lanes for elder customers is also another strategy aimed at improving convenience.Maximize customer contact. Since the business operations are essentially driven by the customers and their needs, preferences and expectations, it is important to keep in contact with them. Having a dedicated customer service and support arm of the business is essential since it will act as the link between the business and the customers. Even seemingly trivial techniques such as floating customer survey forms and sending service emails, or obtaining customer feedback through Twitter, blogs and other social media platforms are very useful. Face-to-face interactions are appreciated by most customers more than impersonal phone calls or online conversations. In any case, courtesy should always be exercised, no matter what platform is used for communicating with customers. Keep in mind that customers will not hesitate to bring their business (and money) elsewhere if they find the customer service to be rude or lacking in any way.Include value-added benefits for customers. Customers look for more than freebies and tangible perks in the products that they buy. Intangible value even goes farther than their tangible counterparts, so businesses should always make it a point to pack their business with as much intangible value as possible. Your goal should always be to exceed the expectations of the customers, not just meet them.Practice consistency in service standards. There should be standards in place on how customers are served or handled. It will do the business no favors if a certain group of customers is given better treatment than others. Be consistent in your application of your customer service.Samsung: A Customer-Driven BusinessOne of the more well-known customer-driven brands is Samsung, establishing itself as a business that puts a lot of its efforts and resources in understanding the customers and the market, and designing and marketing effectiv ely to fit that customer or market.The first step it takes before developing a product or making important business decisions is to find out what the customer wants. From there, they will do what they could to fulfill those needs and requirements. Samsung is always seen to heavily invest in customer care and after-sales services and efforts.Samsung may not have revolutionized the smartphone, as Apple did when it created iPhone. However, what Samsung did was listen to the clamor of users who are looking for more affordable alternatives to the iPhone. Then it proceeded to launch a string of smartphones with features that can easily rival those of iPhone, and offered it at more affordable prices.A Comparison: Pixar vs DreamworksPixar Animation Studios, or Pixar, is one of the most recognizable names in the world when it comes to animated films. It is, at heart, a product-driven organization. It was known for setting up the Pixar Braintrust, which is essentially a think tank where all t he directors, writers and storyboard artists of the studio regularly gather together to look at each others projects and conduct peer review or critiquing. Through these reviews, they can move forward with film projects to produce, create, and eventually release.Dreamworks is also one of the biggest film production companies in the world, producing films, television programs and video games. In their setup, the driver’s seat is not left for the executives and directors alone. Ideas are solicited from employees and staff members, as well as simple moviegoers and film enthusiasts, and they are pitched to the powers-that-be, whose decisions will be influenced by the results of the gathering of ideas and pitches.SUMMARYIn a product-driven approach, development of visions start from the internal process within the company; in the customer-driven approach, visions start from outside the company, particularly in the marketplace where the customers are.Customer-driven organizations alread y assume that customers do exist, and they have a fixed behavioral pattern, particularly in terms of what they want and need. These customers do not change. The only thing left to do for the business is to identify what those wants or need are, and understand them. Then you will have to find ways to meet these wants and needs.On the other hand, a product-driven organization does not assume that there are customers for the product. However, they will employ business strategies in order to attract the customers and make them realize that they want and need the product. In this approach, the customers do not have stable patterns of behavior, and it is up to the business to change or alter their behavior or attitude in a way that will be beneficial (and profitable) to the company.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Visual Identy of African Americans in Question Throughout...

I looked up the word Visual Identity, but I couldn’t find a clear definition of what it really meant. So, I began to ask myself what it means. Visual identity is what we perceive others or ourselves to be. It is almost the same as our judgment or our opinion. Perfect example, I went to the store the other day, and I saw a white man, he was dirty, his hair was not combed, and his clothes were dirty. Looking at him I thought he was homeless, but to my surprise he wasn’t he had just gotten off of work. It’s situations like this that make me wonder is it visual identity that we use as African Americans to access a person’s identity or is it the lack thereof? In the period following the Reconstruction era, the issue of African American†¦show more content†¦Whites believed that Blacks had no right to have be able to read, write, attend school or work. To White Americans giving African Americans a chance anything seemed diabolical to them, and they would do anything to try and stop African Americans from being Equal. White Americans in the Reconstruction era viewed African Americans by their skin color and they judged them on how they looked. They also disapproved of African Americans trying to achieve literacy. The opportunities that White Americans had were different than those of African Americans. White Americans viewed African Americans as inferior to them. In result, African Americans were not permitted to Civil rights, education, and work. Being viewed by what they looked like held African Americans in bondage. By the 20th Century African Americans began to break the chains of racial stereotypes. With African Americans starting to work they began to establish a new identity. This new identity that they had established was that they were capable of working just as well as White Americans. However, White Americans still disagreed with African Americans being able to work. These rights that were now available to African Americans brought about a more different and physical racial tension between White Americans and African Americans. As African Americans were permitted Civil

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Marxist Criticism In Jane Eyre And Mansfield Park By Jane...

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen have many things in common but also contrast in many different ways. Marxist criticism shows how they relate and differ. Jane Eyre is about a young girl who lives with an abusive family and is sent away because she is unliked. Mansfield Park also similar to Jane Eyre, with Fanny Price living with an abusive family after her true family sends her away because they are so poor. When applying Marxist criticism how they are treated, where they stand in life, what power they have, and how they compare and contrast with each other. This also shows how social class and status makes a difference in upbringing, the point the authors are trying to make in showing that class isnt always†¦show more content†¦Mansfield Park begins with a young Fanny Price who lives with her poor family who sends her off to her aunt because they can no longer care for her. When she arrives she overhears her aunt tell the other children to treat her as family but not as their equal because of her background. As Fanny Price grows up her status is very evident when she is around her family. They don’t let her join in on anything while she is in the room and nor do they eat with her. Fanny’s room is just an attic and when she first gets there the room is only used for storage and this shows how they thought so lowly of her to not give a decent, clean room. Only Edmund likes her and she reads the stories she writes to him and asks for his feedback on them. As she gets older she starts to fall in love with him but she can’t be with him because her aunt wouldn’t accept it because she is poor. Her aunt humiliates her constantly by pointing out that she has no money and she has to hide her emotions because the family her aunt works for is her backbone in society. This family pays for everything she has. She is also not able to be â€Å"out† because she is not allowed, they believe she would have no chance in finding a proper husband without any money or propositions. Sewell 3 Jane Eyre and Mansfield Park both start off with the young girls in harsh conditions but they carry on doing the things that they love while suitors come their way. Jane Eyre grows up to become an adult and she begins to fall in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Aggression in the 1930s Free Essays

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two of the most prominent figures in world history.   Both are intimidating personalities recognized as dictators in their own countries.   Hitler and Stalin are also similar for having significant roles in the aggression in the 1930s that was World War II. We will write a custom essay sample on Aggression in the 1930s or any similar topic only for you Order Now    However, it must be noted that Hitler had a more distinct role in the World War II than Stalin.   Though both men were active dictators during the Second World War. Adolf Hitler had a bigger responsibility in the conflict than Joseph Stalin. Hitler and Stalin were both dictators.   It is appropriate to give them such title as they had absolute power over their respective countries.   They had similar strategies and motives in terms of their aggression that resulted in the war. For instance, both men were motivated by a superiority complex.   Hitler was a firm believer in the superiority of the German race (Weinberg, 2008).   He asserted that Germany needed vast areas of land for expansion, so he attacked other countries to create an expansive territory for Germans.   It was this attack which brought Hitler and Germany at the helm of the global conflict. Likewise, Stalin also had a superiority complex.   Immediately after succeeding Lenin as the head of the Soviet Union, Stalin inspired a culture of self-glorification (Perry, 1989).   It was therefore no surprise that Stalin entered into an agreement with Hitler. The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact stated that the Soviet Union would not intervene with the German aggression against Poland on the grounds that it would receive half of the acquired Polish territory (Knight, 2008; Perry, 1989). However, despite the distinct similarity, there was a significant difference between the political roles they played in the Second World War.   Hitler proved to be the more aggressive dictator, as he initiated the war itself.   On the other hand, Stalin merely tolerated Hitler’s aggression.   Though the Soviet Union had made an alliance with Germany, this did not guarantee immunity from the said aggression (Weinberg, 2008). Stalin and the rest of the Soviet Union were alarmed when Germans attacked them (Knight, 2008).   It became evident that Germany was in the center of the war, since it began to bypass the authority of the nations it had alliances with. Eventually, it was proven that Hitler had a more dominant political role in the war than Stalin.   Stalin was a mere participant in the German aggression; in time, he and his country became the victims.   It was Hitler who was in control of the war situation. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were dictators who took part in the aggression during the 1930s, resulting in the historical event known as World War II. Their aggression was both motivated by a sense of superiority, and their strategy included the participation in the war.   Nonetheless, there was a difference between the leaders.   Hitler had a more dominant political role in the war, since he started the international conflict.   He was powerful enough to undermine an alliance with the Soviet Union to further his ends. Meanwhile, Stalin’s aggression was only evident in the agreement with Germany.   Hence, Adolf Hitler had a bigger political role in the Second World War. References Perry, M. (1989). A History of the World.   Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin. Knight, A. (2008). Joseph Stalin. In Microsoft Encarta Online Dictionary. Retrieved December 18, 2008, from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761559200/Stalin.html Weinberg, G. (2008). Adolf Hitler. In Microsoft Encarta Online Dictionary. Retrieved December 18, 2008, from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556540/Hitler.html How to cite Aggression in the 1930s, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility of the Organization Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility of the Organization Today's consumers and stakeholders hold firms to a higher standard because they look more than physical products and the quality of services provided. This happens when aligning with a particular company and deciding to work with it or invest. The reason for such is because they expect not only a profit but also to operate responsibly by addressing environmental and social issues(Werther Jr. Chandler, 2010). Recognizing the essence of corporate social responsibility to the stakeholders and customers has now forced the firms to focus and implement various practice at the organization level. Companies such as Sony Australia has implemented corporate social responsibilities activities. Some of these practices include environmental efforts, philanthropy, ethical labor practices and volunteering(Ditlev-Simonsen Wenstop, 2013). In essence, in the contemporary business environment, organizations have certain responsibilities which they have to participate in the society, and these respons ibilities have influence in the community. Corporate Social Responsibility The term Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as a management concept where firms implement environmental and social concerns in the process of operating business. It also involves engagement and interactions with consumers, society and stakeholders (Asif, Searcy, Zutshi, Fisscher, 2013). Therefore, CSR can be understood as strategies applied by management to strike a balance of its social, economic and environmental imperatives while also addressing stakeholders and shareholders expectations(Clapp Rowlands, 2014). There are various theories used by management to implement and sustain corporate social responsibility in the organization. The focus of the report is Sony Australia and various models will be critically analyzed to understand the issue(Frynas Stephens, 2014). Theoretical Background There are numerous theories which explain corporate social responsibility efforts and strategies by organizations. These approaches include SCR theory, instrumental, integrative and ethical. In relation to corporate social responsibility, the firms has particular obligations to satisfy to the society and therefore, the organizations need to perform business activities by focusing on the different stakeholders. CSR program is a necessity that boosts the group success. The report analyses four theories applied to help develop and propel the image of a socially oriented organization(Servaes Tamayo, 2013). According to instrumental approach, companies are seen as a tools used for the generation of wealth for investors. Thus, the social activities by the corporation to the society are aimed at attaining set economic targets such as reaping profit from the sales of the product to the community (Asif, Searcy, Zutshi, Fisscher, 2013). A close look at the model, there is a clear relationship between the organization policies directed to CSR and the economic outcomes anticipated. The programs favor social activities to achieve financial expectations and maximization of revenue. The approach as seen in Sony Corporation case applies to three approaches namely strategies for gaining competitive advantage, maximization of shareholders value, and marketing efforts related to cause. For instance, the social investment done by the company is for the purpose of attaining competitive advantage in the market and move toward social dominance. It is also essential for the enterprise to support social activities such as tree planting, financing football clubs and others for the purpose of enhancing its competitive position in respective markets and the wealth of stakeholders. Some of the activities performed are altruistic with the aim of attracting the attention of the society (Servaes Tamayo, 2013). Political theory, on the other hand, argues that corporations ought to use their power to attain a great status in society. However, the utilization of authority should be the responsible way such as the use of corporate constitutionalism, corporate citizenship, and integrative social contract. These approaches utilized by the organization hold that the social authorities and responsibilities result from social power and there is an existence of a bond between the firm and society. The approaches are means to attain massive profitability and enhancing their reputation. On the other hand, corporate citizenship is of the view that organization has responsibilities similar to that citizens in the society where they operate (Asif, Searcy, Zutshi, Fisscher, 2013; Frynas Stephens, 2014). The integrative theory is also a central theory which argues that firms exist for the satisfaction of the social needs. It has four approaches namely management, corporate social performance, public responsibility and stakeholder management with an objective of satisfying social demands. The essential approach is the third one as it is related to balancing the interests of key stakeholder such as the society, consumers, and suppliers. The proposal calls for the satisfaction of social demands (Asif, Searcy, Zutshi, Fisscher, 2013). Lastly, the ethical theory argues that the organization ought to follow the right path to enhance the state of the society. The model demonstrates the group should perform fiduciary duties to the primary stakeholders, consider rights, compensation, environment and labor and working in an ethical manner(Crane Matten, 2016). Sony Case Study This section explored the applicability of the theories on Sonys corporate social responsibility. Sonys corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and strategies emphasize on the interests of stakeholders, consumers, and the society (Sony, 2017). According to Archie Carrolls model, CSR programs in the organizations exists due to the interactions between stakeholders and firms. A stakeholder includes an individual or a group that are impacted by the management activities and has interest on the organization. In Sony Australia, the underlining objectives of CSR strategy is tailored toward sustainability of the company and interest of the stakeholders. The sustainability efforts have been the source of achievement and success of corporate citizenship (Ditlev-Simonsen Wenstop, 2013). Therefore, for Sony to register long-term success in the industry, the Corporation needs to consider the interest of the stakeholders and others by ensuring they are properly accounted and recognized in the business. The same is reflected in Sonys CSR Initiatives The global reach of multinational companies such as Sonys and other business is associated with the difficulties of formulating and implementing a corporate social responsibility plans that cut across the international business environments. The following includes the stakeholders of the firms on the basis of prioritization in relation to corporate social responsibility by the management. The shareholders are given the highest priorities, followed by customers, employees, suppliers, business partners and local communities are accorded the lowest priority(Miles, Munilla, Darroch, 2006). Sonys corporate social responsibility strategies is known to value shareholders due to their significance in the corporation. The focus of these stakeholders is to generate high revenues and business development. This is because they provide capital which is used for investment and funding business operations. The firm addresses their interests by devising ways to increase the profitability and revenues generated in a particular period. For instance, the premium pricing strategy applied by the company ensures high returns margins and sustainability is meant to optimize financial performance and operational efficiency (Sony, 2017; Ditlev-Simonsen Wenstop, 2013). Sony Corporation is known to prioritize its consumers in its corporate social responsibility strategy because they are essential. This is because they purchasing the organization products to satisfy their needs and wants. the company corporate social responsibility strategy is for the purpose of meeting their interests through innovation and introduction of other products in the market. Besides, the firm's sustainability efforts are meant to satisfy their interests on issues of corporate citizenship and environmental conservation in the society(Peloza Shang, 2011). On the other hand, Sony Corporation supports their employees as it views them as a central stakeholder in the group. The companys corporate social responsibility includes fair and competitive compensation and excellent managerial support. This factor is an indication of Sonys corporation efforts to fulfill the corporate responsibility to meet the interests of the workers(Saeidi, Sofian, Saeidi, 2015). Suppliers are part of the stakeholders that has a lot of impact on Sonys corporate social responsibility strategy and business practices. The firm recognizes their significance because they influence their operations through the supply of the raw materials for manufacture of end products. The company deals with their interests by applying managerial efforts to increase their efficiency and effectiveness of their operations (Servaes Tamayo, 2013; Peloza Shang, 2011). These CSR initiatives are designed with the aim of helping suppliers to expand their capacity along that of Sony. Besides, sustainability efforts are directed to both the corporation and also the suppliers. For example, Sony requires their suppliers to have satisfied certain environmental effects requirements to do business with them. Therefore, these CSR requirements are beneficial to the suppliers because they facilitate their desires to meet respective corporate social responsibilities(Frynas Stephens, 2014). Sony Corporation works with many business partnerships spanning across the world. For example, it works with telecommunications enterprises to distribute and promote their products such as Xperia smartphones and others. The interests of these business partners include sustaining profitable relations and also enter into mutually beneficial associations which are part of corporate social responsibility strategy and programs. Local Communities have significance influence on the firms corporate citizenship(Crane Matten, 2016). For example, if there is a favorable association between the film and the host community, it leads to favorable consumer attitude toward the products and services provided by the company. The company corporate social responsibilities include satisfying their interests such as supporting community development like sponsoring festivals, sports events, and community development. Conclusion In conclusion, Sony Corporation in Australia applies corporate social responsibility plans that cater to the interests and the want of various stakeholders such as consumers, suppliers and another stakeholder of the firm. Sony emphasizes on attaining sustainability of the business while dealing with issues affecting various interested parties and interests. The paper recommends various actions aimed at improving their CSR performance and widening the reach of stakeholders. For instance, the firm can expand its social programs in all the countries where they have operations to enhance the state of its corporate responsibility, brand image, and satisfy the stakeholders interests. References Asif, M., Searcy, C., Zutshi, A., Fisscher, O. A. (2013). An integrated management systems approach to corporate social responsibility. Journal of cleaner production, 56, 7-17. Clapp, J., Rowlands, I. H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility. The Essential Guide to Global Environmental Governance . London: Routledge. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ditlev-Simonsen, C. D., Wenstop, F. (2013). How stakeholders view stakeholders as CSR motivators. Social Responsibility Journal , 9(1), 137-147. Frynas, J. G., Stephens, S. (2014). Political corporate social responsibility: Reviewing theories and setting new agendas. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(4), 483-509. Miles, M. P., Munilla, L. S., Darroch, J. (2006). The role of strategic conversations with stakeholders in the formation of corporate social responsibility strategy. Journal of Business Ethics, 69(2), 195-205. Peloza, J., Shang, J. (2011). How can corporate social responsibility activities create value for stakeholders? A systematic review. Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 117-135. Saeidi, S. P., Sofian, S., Saeidi, P., Saeidi, S. P., Saaeidi, S. A. (2015). How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), 341-350. Servaes, H., Tamayo, A. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: The role of customer awareness. Management Science, 59(5), 1045-1061. SONY. (n.d.). Corporate Social responsibility. Retrieved April 27, 2017, from sony : https://www.sony.com/en_us/SCA/social-responsibility/overview.html SONY. (n.d.). CSR / Environment. Retrieved April 27, 2017, from Sony: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/csr/vision/index.html Werther Jr., W. B., Chandler, D. (2010). Strategic corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders in a global environment. California CA: Sage Publications.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Proportional Representation System

The Canadian electoral system should be changed to ensure democratic expansion. As such, it should be replaced with the proportional representation electoral system. This system demands fair representation of the respective political groups and the voters as well. It allows a number of representatives to be elected from one district as opposed to the current system in which only one person is elected. The number of seats taken depends on the percentage of acquired votes (Altman, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Proportional Representation System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Party List Voting This type of voting is considered to be the most common form of proportional representation. Under the party list voting system, each group produces a number of candidates proportional to the available seats within that district. In addition, each party or group gets a number of seats according to the number of vote s acquired. Individuals are also allowed to vie although they are put on a different list and represented as a party of their own. The two major lists here are the closed and open systems. In the closed system, the party puts forth a list of candidates in a given order and the voters are allowed to vote for that particular party as a whole without showing any preference for a particular candidate. When the party wins, the candidates are selected from that list according to the set order. In the open list system, voters are the ones who decide on the fate of a candidate as they vote for a candidate individually and not as a party. In addition, the person with the highest number of votes is elected. This system is most common in the European democracies (Blais, 1990). The system is ideal for large states or legislatures and it ensures good representation of the districts in a particular state. This would particularly be good for Canada given that it is a large state (Gregson, 2004). A dvantages of Proportional Representation There are a number of advantages associated with this system. For example, the system takes into account such minority groups as women. Representation is diverse and campaigns are not characterized by propaganda as is the case with the other systems. There is also a significant reduction in voter bribery. The system is also characterized by a large voter turnout given that the voters have a large pool of parties to choose their candidates from. The system is characterized by fairness and flexibility, is more modernized in comparison with the other systems whereby the winner takes it all (Grubel 2004).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mixed-Member Proportional Voting This type of voting system is also referred to as compensatory proportional representation. Here, the two systems are combined and the number of candidates from the two systems is e qual: both from the plurality and PR systems. The system is preferred due to its effective in ensuring good representation of the members of a district. The system seems to be a compromise of the two representative systems. People choose the district representative on one side and on the other side they get to choose their party candidate of choice (Franklin, 2005). In this system, there is a set threshold that the party must meet. For instance, a party must get at least 5% of the total party votes across the nation or win three district races so as to get representation into the legislature. In this system, the seats are equally divided among the party contestants and the number is then added to the district representative. This is a good system in ensuring geographic as well as ideological representation. Politically, this system usually results in the formation of coalition governments with representatives from both the district level and party level (Gastil, 2008). In the event that the winner of the constituency seat is on the party list, then the candidate cannot occupy the two seats; instead the candidate who is closely behind replaces him/her in the party list while he/she takes the constituency seat. The regional open-list system was recommended for Canada although it has not yet been adopted. In overhang seats, a particular party acquires more seats than the number of seats allocated. The assembly seats are usually allocated to the parties depending on the number of votes acquired. The system is particularly good for t countries with a large population like Canada. The system ensures that the local as well as the national concerns are addressed. It is particularly of great significance in areas that are known to have geographical, social, economic and cultural diversity (Harvey, 2008). The Potential for Tactical Voting There is always the fear that minor parties stand a high chance of weakening the major ones especially if they do not meet the set th reshold. In tactical voting, party votes are usually considered to be of greater importance than the respective constituency votes in determining the election results. Voters may therefore tend to apply the tactic of splitting their votes so as to have double representation (Henry, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Proportional Representation System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Shortfalls The system is likely to be abused especially when a party decides to divide itself into two parts whereby one represents one half of the party and concentrates on the acquisition of constituency seats while the other concentrates on the acquisition of other lesser seats. The result would therefore be an overhang. It has also been proved that the system is complicated and the voters may have difficulty in trying to understand it particularly when it comes to the differentiation between the constituency vote and the part y vote (Golding, 1998). Preference Voting This type of voting is also referred to as the Single Transfer Vote. In this system, voters rank the candidates in order of preference. In the event that his or her preferred candidate is eliminated, the vote cast is automatically transferred to the next candidate. This ensures that no votes are wasted. This system is mainly applicable to non-partisan elections (for example, city council elections). Through this system, a particular voter can cast his or her vote for a number of candidates. Chances are that the most preferred candidate will be the best in terms of performance hence ensuring that the only the most qualified individuals joins the legislature. The system is good as it ensures that the voters have the final word when it comes to making decisions about their candidates. The system therefore helps to minimize the problems associated with dirty politics (Howe, 2000). In this system, when a candidate has reached the appropriate thre shold, the extra votes are transferred to the next candidate of choice. The candidate who is not likely to win is eliminated and his/her the votes given to the one who is likely to win. The process continues until the appropriate candidates are chosen. This system is preferred as it ensures that the votes are not wasted. The system ensures good party representation as opposed to the plurality-majority voting where the elections are not only characterized by misrepresentation but underrepresentation as well (Karp, 1999). Significance of the System The system can be of great importance when dealing with such fundamental issues in Canada as health reforms. The system gives room for the full representation of voters’ ideas and it shows no ideological biases. It ensures that a consensus is reached when handling difficult issues. As much as the policies are made by the majority, the minority are also included in the discussion of very significant issue hence ensuring that all possi bilities are exhausted before a conclusion can be reached (Testa, 2008). With a variety of candidates to choose from, chances are high that one of the candidates voted by a particular voter will be elected as opposed to the system where only one representative is voted in and the rest are left out. The representation is mainly based on political viewpoints rather than geographical representation.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the current Canadian system, only those candidates that are of the winning candidate’s viewpoint are represented while those of the losing candidates have no representation at all. The result is therefore unfairness and biasness. In the current society, people are so mobile and even close neighbors could be holding viewpoints that are completely opposite yet they all need to have their viewpoints represented at the legislature (Kay, 1998). The system gives room for new ideas and solutions given that no idea is ignored, even from the minority group. In the winner-take-it-all system however, the winning side brands the losing side with the negative connotation and there is almost no room for consultation. In such a system, the candidates do all that they can to win the elections including voter bribery. In the proportional representation system however, the campaigns are issue based and not depended on propaganda, corruption and dirty politics. Less money is therefore requir ed for the campaigns hence reducing corruption and promoting democracy. The candidate does not need as much votes in order to win an election. This system is ideal in reducing gender, racial and other forms of discrimination for the minority groups. The adoption of the system will therefore result in equal representation of the Canadian population (Teixeira, 1987). Loser Delegation System In this system, the candidate who has very minimal chances of winning is allowed to delegate his/her vote to the candidate who is likely to win in his/her district or any other district with no regard to the party. The votes that are usually delegated may not necessarily have an effect on whoever enters the legislature but may greatly have an impact on the subsequent votes within the legislature (Loenen, 2002). Change to Proportional Representation The change to this kind of system does not necessarily demand the overhaul of the current constitution. Instead, it requires that the laws be passed by the legislature in favor of the system without necessarily having to amend the constitution. This may also be done through the voter initiative. Through political mobilization, the system could be initiated in the Canadian system by changing some laws that are applicable (McNair, 2007). Canada’s Electoral System Reform The pressing for the Canadian electoral reform started during World War I and was spearheaded by different groups. The recommended system has been the proportional representation system. Reform efforts have however not borne fruits given that the government has always failed to pass the appropriate laws to support such a reform. Most groups like the political parties and farmers associations adopted the system in carrying out their voting activities and this proved successful a good example being the BC’s Liberal Party (Mill, 1861). The current Canadian electoral system has several weaknesses that need to be addressed. The country uses the system of sing le member plurality and which in the real sense does not reflect the voters’ representation to the fullest. There has been a general decline in the voter turnout in the recent years hence prompting the need for a new system that would ensure increased voter turnout. The system majorly represents the majority groups while leaving out the minority who also need to be represented. Most of the wishes of the minority groups are therefore left out. There has been a call for the change of the current electoral system and the adoption of a system that can be relied upon like the mixed member system which increases chances of equal representation between the majority and minority groups (Newman, 2006). Canada’s law commission has recommended electoral reforms although the breakthrough has not been much. In 2005, the citizens were allowed to vote on a referendum concerning the need to change the current electoral system. The percentage needed for the electoral reform was only le ss by 2% given that the motion of electoral reform needed 60% of the votes across the provinces. The total vote count amounted to 58% of the total vote count hence falling short of what was required. Shortfalls of the current electoral system were manifested when the present liberal government managed to come to power even after getting lesser votes across the provinces, in comparison with the conservatives (Wolfinger, 1991). Several debates have been held in and effort to resolve the issue of electoral system restructuring. In addition, different recommendations have also been given although very little has been done to the same effect. The Mix-Member proportional system was suggested by a set secretariat although this was overruled by the Ontarian voters who rejected it in a referendum that was held in 2007 (Odenwald, 2008). Advantages of the Single Member Plurality System This system seems to be the most preferred over the proposed system due to a number of factors. This system i s particularly significant in democracies with multiple parties as the majority government is likely to be produced in such a case in such a competitive system. Such a government is usually stable and more accountable to the voters. Coalition governments on the other hand are characterized by squabbles and finger pointing. Leaders always want to take credit for the positive happenings but avoid cannot shoulder the blame for the wrong happenings. The system also allows the voters and views and interests to be represented by their own single representative and no conflict of interests (Phillips, 1975). Disadvantages of the System In this system, the number of wasted votes is enormous. A candidate only needs one vote ahead of his opponent in order to be declared a winner and the rest of the extra votes are just wasted. In the real sense, the party seats are never the exact representation of the number of votes acquired. There is no full representation of the electorate given that only those ascribing to the view of the winning candidate or party are fully represented while the rest are not represented (Douglas, 2005). Is Proportionality Relative? In assessing the two systems, the question of relative proportionality has to be considered. While comparing different systems, it has always been thought that one system offers greater representation than the other. The proportional representation system in particular has been compared to other systems like the plurality system where the winner takes it all. The plurality system is thought of as being disproportional and that it does not fully represent the voters’ interests. Canada for instance still employs the plurality system although many people are dissatisfied with it and are pressing for the appropriate voting system reforms (Pinto, 1991). Problems of Party Proportionality Proportional systems often use party proportionality to measure their representation and hence proving to be limited in some way. Some systems have in fact been proved to be so much obsessed with the issues of party proportionality hence resulting in the balance of power being left to small parties that are idiosyncratically governed hence forming governments that are unstable. The Canadian case has particularly been worsened by the fact that most of those parties that come to power do not even get the 40%of the required total vote so as to form the government. This results in weaker governments and weaker legislature characterized by a weaker judiciary (Brooker, 2008). PR system’s overdependence on political parties makes the system inefficient in a way, given that political parties are slowly losing their influence on the people. Voters are slowly becoming independent of the political parties and hence they require an alternative system that does not excessively depend on the political parties. The closed list system is disadvantageous given that the voters are allowed to vote for a party as a block and n ot necessarily individuals hence the voters’ freedom to choose the candidate of their freedom of choice is curtailed (Courtney, 1991). The PR system has been adopted by many nations as compared to the plurality system. The system is particularly common in most European countries with German being included. The system was also adopted by France when the Second World War ended although it was later discarded in 1958. At one point, the system had been recommended for adoption by parliamentary assembly of the United Nations so as to enable the Indian lower casts to be included or be represented (Chowdhury, 1997). Partial Proportionality Some countries usually have only one electoral district where only one candidate is expected to win while others have different candidates being elected from one given district or constituency. The proportion of representation is therefore measured per the number of representatives or candidates from that particular district. In the case of a Mult i-member District, the winning candidate is expected to have majority of the votes in comparison to the other candidates. Some quotas may for instance demand that a candidate get at least 50% of the total votes in that district and have more votes than the rest although the quotas may vary (Smith, 1991). The issue of gerrymandering is therefore significantly reduced in the PR system. Proportionality in an electoral system is not necessarily made possible by the employment of Multi-Member Districts. In some cases, a party can win a certain number of seats and yet fail to raise the whole number of candidates required to fill them hence resulting in an under-hang (Choe, 1997). A lot of resources have been channeled towards ensuring that Canada gets a new electoral system and several referenda held in trying to get the country a new electoral system most of which have borne no fruit (Seligson, 1995). However, the current plurality system has very many shortfalls and it needs to be repla ced by a more appropriate system. The PR system seems to be the best option for country given its large size and population. The system will ensure greater representation of peoples’ interests across the wider geographical area (Carty, 1991). Canadians only get to exercise their democratic rights during the time of an election. It is however surprising that most of their votes are wasted given that their favorite candidates at times lose by a very small margin (Rose, 1997). This has led to the frustration of many individuals who opt to stay at home on the elections day given that their candidates are likely to lose in the election. Voter dissatisfaction seems to be playing a big role in the lower voter turnout. The voter system therefore needs to be rethought so as to ensure that the voters exercise their democracy to the fullest (Carroll, 1995). Reference List Altman, D. (2000). The Politics of Coalition Formation and Survival in Multiparty Presidential Democracies: The Case of Uruguay, 1989-1999. Party Politics, 6(3), 259-283. Blais, A., Carty, R. K. (1990). Does proportional representation foster voter turnout?  European Journal of Political Research, 18(2), 167-181. Brooker, K. (2008). Another election, another wasted vote. September 8th 2008.  Calgary Herald. Carroll, D. et al.(1995) Civil and Voter Registration and Identification System: Proposed Implementation System. Washington: Microsoft Corporation. Carty, R. K. (1991) Registering Voters: Comparative Perspectives, Massachusetts: Harvard University. Choe, Y. (1997) How to Manage Free and Fair Elections: A Comparison of Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Goteborg: Goteborg University. Chowdhury, J. A. (1997). Voter Registration and Identity Cards in South Asian Countries. London: Macmillan. Courtney, J. C. (1991) Registering Voters: Comparative Perspectives. Massachusetts: Harvard University. Courtney, J. C., David Smith. (1991).Registering Voters: Canada in Comparative Context.† Democratic Rights and Electoral Reform in Canada. Toronto: Dundurn. Douglas J. A. (2005).Proportional Representation: The Case for a Better Election  System.   New York: Routledge. Franklin, B., Einstein, A., Brown, R. M. (1985). Insanity: doing the same thing repeatedly  again and expecting different results.   Ontario: Broadview Press Gastil, J. (2008). Political Communication and Deliberation. Sage Publications. Golding, P., Elliott, P. (1999). Media Studies: a Reader (second edition). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Gregson, I. (2004). Overhauling our electoral process. SFU News Online. March 18th 2004. Grubel, H. (2004). The Case against Proportional Representation. Toronto Star. November 14th 2004. Harvey, J. (2008). Canada needs electoral reform. Telegraph-Journal. October 22nd 2008. Henry M. (2000), Making Every Vote Count: Reassessing Canada’s Electoral  System.  Ontario: Broadview Press. Howe, P., Northrup, D. (2000). Strengthening Canadian Demo cracy. Policy Matters, 1(5). July 2000. Karp, J. A., Banducci, S. A. (1999). The Impact of Proportional Representation on Turnout: Evidence from New Zealand. Australian Journal of Political Science, 34(3), 363-377. Kay, A. F. (1998). Locating Consensus for Democracy. St Augustine: American Talk  Issues Foundation. Loenen, N. (2002), Citizenship and Democracy:   A Case for Proportional  Representation. Ontario: Dundurn Press. McNair, B. (2007). An Introduction to Political Communication. New York: Routledge. Mill, J. S. (1861). Representative Government. Newman, G. (2006). Electoral system.  London: Macmillan Odenwald, B. (2008). Newly-wed Odenwald decries swapping and its causes. Fair Vote  Canada, Press Release. September 15, 2008. Phillips, K. P., Blackman, P. (1975). Electoral Reform and Voter Participation: Federal Registration, a False Remedy for Voter Apathy. California: Hoover Institute. Pinto D. M. (1991) Electoral Registration in Britain: Is There a Case for   Reform? Massachusetts: Cambridge. Rose, R. (1997). Evaluating Election Turnout. A Global Report on Political Participation. Stockholm: International IDEA. Seligson, M. et al. (1995). Who Votes in Central America? A Comparative  Analysis. Elections and Democracy in Central America, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Smith, D. E. (1991). Federal Voter Enumeration in Canada: An Assessment. Registering Voters: Comparative Perspectives, Massachusetts: Harvard University. Teixeira, R. A. (1987). Why Americans Don’t Vote: Turnout Decline in the United States, 1960–1984. New York: Greenwood. Testa, R. (2008). Proportional Representation vs. First-Past-The-Post Wolfinger, R. E. (1991) The Politics of Voter Registration Reform. Registering Voters: Comparative Perspectives. Massachusetts: Harvard University. This essay on Proportional Representation System was written and submitted by user Jaelynn Irwin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

All About Ronald Reagan, The 40th U.S. President

All About Ronald Reagan, The 40th U.S. President Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois. He worked at various jobs growing up. He had a very happy childhood. He was taught to read by his mother when he was five. He attended local public schools. He then enrolled at Eureka College in Illinois where he played football and made average grades. He graduated in 1932. Family Ties: Father: John Edward Jack Reagan - Shoe salesman.Mother: Nelle Wilson Reagan.Siblings: One older brother.Wife: 1) Jane Wyman - Actress. They were married from January 26, 1940 until they divorced on June 28, 1948. 2) Nancy Davis - Actress. They were married on March 4, 1952.Children: One daughter by first wife - Maureen. One adopted son with first wife - Michael. One daughter and one son by second wife - Patti and Ronald Prescott. Ronald Reagans Career Before the Presidency: Reagan began his career as a radio announcer in 1932. He became the voice of Major League Baseball. In 1937, he became an actor with a seven year contract with Warner Brothers. He moved to Hollywood and made about fifty movies. Reagan was elected Screen Actors Guild President in 1947 and served until 1952 and again from 1959-60. In 1947, he testified before the House concerning Communist influences in Hollywood. From 1967-75, Reagan was the Governor of California. World War II: Reagan was part of the Army Reserve and was called  to active duty after Pearl Harbor. He was in the Army from 1942-45 rising to the level of Captain. However, he never took part in combat and stated stateside. He narrated training films and was in the Army Air Force First Motion Picture Unit. Becoming the President: Reagan was the obvious choice for the Republican nomination in 1980. George Bush was chosen to run as his vice president. He was opposed by President Jimmy Carter. The campaign centered on inflation, the gasoline shortage, and the Iran hostage situation. Reagan won with 51% of the popular vote and 489 out of 538 electoral votes. Life After the Presidency: Reagan retired after his second term in office to California. In 1994, Reagan announced that he had Alzheimers Disease and left public life. He died of pneumonia on June 5, 2004. Historical Significance: Reagans largest significance was his role in helping bring down the Soviet Union. His massive buildup of weapons which the USSR could not match and his friendship with Premier Gorbachev helped usher in a new era of openness which eventually caused the breakup of the USSR into individual states. His presidency was marred by the events of the Iran-Contra Scandal. Events and Accomplishments of Ronald Reagan’s Presidency: Soon after Reagan took office, an assassination attempt was made on his life. On March 30, 1981, John Hinckley, Jr. shot six rounds at Reagan. He was hit by one of the bullets which caused a collapsed lung. His Press Secretary James Brady, policeman Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy were also all hit. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity and was committed to a mental institution. Reagan adopted an economic policy whereby tax cuts were created to help increase savings, spending, and investment. Inflation went down and after a time so did unemployment. However, a huge budget deficit was created. A lot of terrorist acts occurred during Reagans time in office. For example, in April 1983 an explosion occurred at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. Reagan claimed that five countries typically harbored aided terrorists: Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, and Nicaragua. Further, Muammar Qaddafi was singled out as the primary terrorist. One of the major issues of Reagans second administration was the Iran-Contra Scandal. This involved several individuals throughout the administration. In exchange for selling arms to Iran, money would be given to the revolutionary Contras in Nicaragua. The hope was also that by selling arms to Iran, terrorist organizations would be willing to give up hostages. However, Reagan had spoken out that America would never negotiate with terrorists. The revelations of the Iran-Contra scandal caused one of the major scandals of the 1980s.In 1983, the U.S. invaded Grenada to rescue threatened Americans. They were rescued and the leftists were overthrown.One of the most important events that occurred during Reagans administration was the growing relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Reagan created a bond with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev who instituted a new spirit of openness or glasnost. This would eventually lead to the downfall of the Soviet Union during President George H. W. Bushs term in office.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Dementia Nursing Care Plan and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dementia Nursing Care Plan and Analysis - Essay Example Also, the evaluation methods for each assessment have been set. The plan has been prepared based on the review of relevant literature on dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and practices for the provision of care. Bill has displayed symptoms of Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (DAT). Early features of DAT include impaired memory, difficulties in problem solving, preoccupation with long past events, decreased spontaneity, impaired speed and accuracy of response. Individuals try to avoid unfamiliar activities, and disorders of perception and language may appear. During late stages of Alzheimer’s disease, physical and cognitive effects are marked and disorders in gait, paresis and paralysis of extremities, seizures, peripheral neuropathy, extrapyramidal signs, and urinary incontinence may be visible. Often, the patient is no longer ambulatory, and is mute, bedridden and is in decorticate posture. Sometimes myoclonus occurs in some individuals. Progression of Alzheimer’s disease is slow and could render the patient to a state of complete helplessness in eight to ten years. A distinct possibility is affective disturbances. The most effective tools to diagnose Alzheimer’s di sease are a good family history, physical examination, and laboratory and radiographic tests for ruling out other causes of dementia (First & Tasman, 2004). According to Access Economics (2006), over 200,000 Australians were suffering from dementia in 2005, which was about 1 percent of the population. Alzheimer’s disease, caused by abnormal changes in brain tissue known as ‘plaques and tangles,’ has been attributed to be the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 50-60 percent of all cases. The number of Australians with dementia in 2050 has been projected to 730,000, about 2.8 percent of the population, and a four fold fold increase from 2000 levels. In 2005, there were 52,000 new dementia cases, and the number has

Monday, February 3, 2020

What is good about stillwater Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is good about stillwater - Essay Example This is not possible in Kuwait due to the extremely hot weather. If my head is already aching due to study, I can take a walk outside which refreshes the mind seeing trees and greeneries while enjoying the weather. If I will do this in Kuwait, I will be toasted by the sun and will likely lose my mood to study again. It is not only me who enjoys the weather in Stillwater. My wife is beginning to love the outdoors which she used to avoid back in Kuwait because of the scorching heat. She can now walk with a stroller with our baby which was not advisable in Kuwait because of the baby’s sensitivity to heat. The population of students at Oklahoma State University at Stillwater comes from different countries and ethnicity and this gives me wonderful opportunity not only to learn the curriculum but also other people from different cultures. In a way, studying at Stillwater does not only expand my mind through its academic rigors but also expands my cultural perspective being to understand people from perspectives and backgrounds different from mine. This is called cultural agility which is necessary skill at the global economy. The interconnectedness of countries and economies will require us someday to work with other people of different nationality. This opportunity of learning other people of different cultures would be very limited had I studied in Kuwait. Colleges in Kuwait are also very good except that curriculums are taught in Arabic and this limits foreign students to enroll there. So in effect, Kuwait colleges does not provide an opportunity to be exposed in an international env ironment because most of its students came from Kuwait and Gulf countries. Studying in Kuwait would not expand my cultural horizon as it would if I will study at Stillwater. Having a diploma from Oklahoma State University at Stillwater will surely give me an